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Methodist Circuit
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Eco Circuit and Eco Church


The parent website for the Eco Church family of surveys and awards is hosted by A Rocha. This has a resources tab with many useful links.

The partner charity, Climate Stewards, provide an invaluable means of understanding carbon footprints and providing a means of carbon offsetting to appropriate development projects.

EcoChurch Southwest provides an excellent suite of resources.

Kathryn Hayhoe has provided a suite of very approachable videos in her Global Weirding site.

Operation Noah provide excellent resources which are "Faith-motivated, science-informed and hope-inspired".

The John Ray Initiative also has strong Christian and science foundations are provides good resource material.


"Planetwise", Dave Bookless, IVP, 2008.
"God Doesn't do Waste", Dave Bookless, IVP, 2010.
"In the Eye of the Storm", Sir John Houghton and Gill Tavner, Lion Hudson, 2013.
"Just Living", Ruth Valerio, Hodder and Stoughton, 2016.
"Blue Planet, Blue God", Meric Srokosz and Rebecca Watson, SCM Press, 2017.
"L is for Lifestyle" Ruth Valerio, IVP, 2019.
"Saying Yes to Life", Ruth Valerio, SPCK, February 2020.


" Tenants of the King " is an excellent 4-session study course from Operation Noah.

" Mission and Creation Care for Disciples " is a 5-session study course from the John Ray Initiative.

" Sustainability and Church? ", Jo Crocker and Juli Mills, 2018. This is a 6-session study which has applied frameworks from the John Ray Initiative and includes a leaders' guide.


An Eco Communion, Gareth Hill. This is a liturgy used by Gareth at Romsey Methodist Church in November 2019.

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Registered Charity No. 1134173